Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yellow Feather

Two years ago at Burning Man, I was given the name Bright Yellow. I think the term bright eluded to my sunshiny enthusiastic personality and yellow was cuz of my yellow hair and fun ways. Thinking about this name, my art, and my jewelry, Bright Yellow just didn't seem to describe me in the way I wanted it too. In my spiritual and worldy life, bright seemed a little too harsh. When a dear sister of mine one day called me Yellow Feather it seemed to fit perfectly. I'd now like to look into all the possible meanings of Yellow Feather....

Yellow-The shade of yellow determines the meaning. Pure, bright and sunny yellow is the easiest color to see. People who are blind to other colors can usually see yellow. Yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy. Always use yellow note pads.

Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday's color is yellow-gold.

Feather-Symbol meaning of feathers deal with ascension and spiritual evolution to a higher plane. Feathers were worn by Native American Chiefs to symbolize their communication with Spirit, and to express their celestial wisdom. Also in the Native American Indian culture, feathers represented the power of the thunder gods, along with the power of air and wind.

Native American Pueblo Indians would pay homage to the Feathered Sun which is a symbol of the cosmos and the center of existence. Another symbol meaning of feathers also revolves around prayer, and the Pueblo use feather sticks as they dance in prayer for rain during solstice rituals.

As a Celtic symbol meaning, the feather was worn by Druids in the form of ornate feathered robes. Celtic Druids donned these robes in ceremonies to invoke the sky godsand gain knowledge of the celestial realm. It was believed that the feathered cloak along with the presence of the sky gods would allow the Druid to transcend the earthly plane and enter the ethereal realm.

The Egyptians believed that feathers were symbolic of sky gods too. Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of justice, would weigh the hearts of the newly dead in the underworld against the weight of a feather to determine the worthiness of his or her soul.

In Christianity feathers represented virtues. In fact, an image of three feathers were made into signet rings - each feather symbolizing Charity, hope, and faith. These rings were worn as a symbol of a virtuous soul - they were also used as wax seals. The ring would be dipped in warm wax then pressed against documents to seal the closure. The recipient would know the documents came from a virtuous man by the indication of the three-feather symbol in the wax.

In dreams feathers mean travel or the ability to move more freely in life. White feathers in dreams indicate innocence or a fresh start in a spiritual sense.

When searching the term Yellow Feather-





White feathers symbolize purification, spirituality, hope, protection, peace, and blessings of the Moon.


Red feathers symbolize physical vitality. Also courage, good fortune, and life.


Blue feathers give mental abilities, peace, and protection. Also psychic awareness.


Yellow feathers give cheerfulness, mental alertness, prosperity, and blessings from the Sun.


Green feathers symbolize money, prosperity, growth, health, and fertility.

Green and red mixed feathers affect financial matters.


Orange feathers bring attraction, energy, and success.


Pink feathers attract love.


Gray feathers symbolize peace and neutrality.


Brown feathers give stability and respect. They also symbolize the home and grounding.

Brown feathers striped in black, like the tail feathers of a pheasant, give a balance between the physical and spiritual life.

Brown feathers banded or mixed with white bring happiness and give the kind of protection that enables one to go unnoticed amidst those who would harm them.

Brown and red mixed feathers bring healing to animals.


Black feathers give the mystical wisdom that comes with true spiritual initiation.

Black, iridescent feathers give mystical insight.

Black and white mixed feathers give union and protection.

Black (or gray) feathers banded or mixed with whitegive hope, balance and harmony.

Black mixed with purple means deep spirituality.

Black, white, and blue mixed feathers brings change.

Light & Energy

Considered a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, chalcedony nurtures and promotes brotherhood and good will.

  • Used to assist telepathy
  • Absorbs negative energy and dissipates it
  • Harmonizes mind, body, and spirit
  • Instills generosity
